Application Notes

Where is the EASYtrend USED
Process and Industrial control systems generate Trending data, usually displayed by digital meters. The EASYtrend generates large format (1 metre long), intelligent data display(colour and motion) to assess these process variables which can be logged via the USB link.
Process systems in large, noisy and poorly lit machine halls can now be monitored from afar and with greater intelligence than standard digital meters and status lights.
How is the EASYtrend used
1. As each value of the 4 – 20 ma loop current is read it is reported for logging and displayed as follows:
2. RED for values above the High set point.
3. BLUE for values below the Low set point.
4. GREEN for values between the High and Low set points.
5. WHITE for user selected set points.
Loop integrity is continually tested, and the display will whiteout if the current is less than 4 ma. If High or Low set points are detected, the alarm relay is activatd and the LEDs in that zone flash a warning.
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