Where is the EASYswitch used
Audio, Home Theatre, Lighting, Security and Automation equipment all benefit from the remote switching provided by the EASYswitch
Legally and safely switch mains power without electrician wiring. 1000’s are in use throughout Australia by the electrical and electronic industry.
How is the EASYswitch used
1. Connect the IEC C14 plug to the mains 240 volt A.C.power.
2. Connect the load to the IEC C13 socket.
3. Attach signal wire or similar to the control terminals.
4. Run the control wire to the remote switch mechanism.
5. Switch on source of 24O volt power.
6. GREEN LED indicates power on and the load de-energised.
7. Short remote control contacts terminals of the EASYswitch.
8. RED LED indicates active out and the load energised.
EASYswitch Specifications
- Universal IEC mains connections
- Controller size 146mm x 67mm x 45mm
- Weight approx. 300g. packaged
- Contact electrical life 2 x 105operations @ 240 VAC 16A resistive load, derate accordingly for inductive and capacitive loads.
- Contact capacity: Inrush peak current up to 30A maximum for 4 seconds.
- Voltage free control line contacts require switching capability of 24VDC open circuit and 3mA closed. Maximum control line resistance 10K ohm.
- Complies with: AS/NZS 3197:2005, C-tick, ROHS and CE certification.
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